Our next monthly meeting

Membership dues:  Annual Individual Membership is $35 per year. Please see payment instructions below.

Donate a Raffle Basket - Boost your visibility by donating a raffle prize.  We spotlight prize-donating members at the end of each meeting. To donate prizes, contact Programs Chair Kelly Shoemaker.


"Now Accepting Payment by Credit Card!"

make your check payable to: 
"Caregivers Association of Chester County" (NOT NetCare)

mail to:
  Catherine Friedman
  Principled Money Management 
  978 Brintons Bridge Road
Chester, PA 19382

Area Events 
      mark your calendar . . .


Looking for an opportunity to expand your network and spread some holiday cheer? Join us for Wrap and Yap, a festive networking event where local professionals connect, collaborate and create meaningful relationships. And go home with a "Holiday Gift Wrapping Kit To-Go" so you can wrap up the season in style!

December 11th, 3:00-5:00 
Arbor Terrace Exton
100 Oakland Blvd., Exton, PA 19341

RSVP by 12/9 at heather.goodno@harborcompany.com.



Warm up with us at Arbor Terrace Willistown! Indulge in your choice of a classic hot chocolate or spice things up with a naughty cup featuring Kahlua or Bailey's Irish Cream. Enjoy lite refreshments and the cozy company of our team and fellow professionals.

December 17th, 3:30-5:30 
Arbor Terrace Willistown
1713 West Chester Pike, West Chester, PA 19382

RSVP: Register Online, Call 610-725-1713 or 
Email Denise.Cleveland@arborcompany.com


MEMBERS: Publicize your upcoming event here
Email your Net-Care announcement flyer to: 
Nancy Etherington - netherington@kw.com

Email subject line "NETCARE EVENTS PAGE"


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